Mikhail Yablokov

SMART System

The SMART system is a software package consisting of two programs: a Windows application for desktop computer, and Android mobile applications for inspectors' Smartphones. The program itself is free, with description, instructions and technical documentation (in English) on the website: https://smartconservationtools.org/

Why is SMART needed in protected areas?
- for simple and convenient on-site data collection;
- to oversee employees;
- for automatic generation of reports according to predefined forms;
- to analyze the work of law enforcement and improve its efficiency.

Presentation about the SMART system (pdf-file of presentation).

SMART training seminar for inspectors of the Beringia National Park
Seminar on deploying SMART systems in Vladivostok
Implementation of the SMART system in the work of the hunting supervision of Yakutia for the conservation of wild reindeer
Installation of software and training in the SMART system for the WWF bear patrol in the village of Ryrkaypiy, Chukotka

I am engaged in a full range of work on the implementation of the system in the work of protected areas, from database development to staff training.

I was trained in the deployment of the SMART system at the Polar Institute in Tromsø, Norway.

To create a system, it is necessary to prepare the forms of reports it will need to generate; this will actually be a ToR.  Based on those forms, I  create databases and set up applications. I then install and configure the software on site, and conduct a training workshop for inspectors and data collection staff.

I have planned and carried out a full range of work in several areas: for the Hunting Department of the Republic of Yakutia (WWF project for the conservation of wild reindeer), in Beringia National Park, on bear patrols in Chukotka, and in Ergaki Nature Park, Krasnoyarsk Kray.

Here is an example of a training presentation for inspectors when deploying a SMART system: (pdf-file of presentation).